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The Politics of Breast Cancer
Why the Komen Foundation's desire not to be "political" is understandable, but impossible.
Sin and Health
Evangelicals, weight loss, and sexual reorientation.
Time for Questions
Doubts multiply when we don't allow time and freedom to question.
Book Review: "The King Jesus Gospel" by Scot McKnight
Putting Jesus back in the gospel.
Why the Church Should Still Publicly Oppose Gay Marriage
Not opposing same sex marriage may not solve Christianity's image problem.
Why the Church Needs the Infertile Couple
We're missing a broader scope of familial love.
Culturally Focusing on the Family
How hipster evangelicals have fallen into the same consumerist traps as their parents.
Infanticide Debate Reflects a New Era for Abortion Politics
As states push for pro-choice protections, Christians have a growing obligation to defend the lives of babies born as “burdens.”
Here Come the Radicals!
David Platt, Francis Chan, Shane Claiborne, and now Kyle Idleman are dominating the Christian best-seller lists by attacking our comfortable Christianity. But is 'radical faith' enough?
How We Got to the Equality Act
The LGBT movement was shaped by the animosity of populist evangelical rhetoric and tactics.
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